Best. Version. Ever.

Song of the Day:
Brave Combo – Fascination/In-a-Gadda-Da-vida

The Brave Combo may be known as a sort of New Wave Polka band but, they really were not limited to Polkas, rather they experimented with many types of world musc, Tangos, Cha-Chas, Mambos – stuff like that.  Their version of the old Iron Butterfly classic which cleverly segues from from the traditional waltz, Fascination into the In-A-Gadda da intro is none of that but, rather Punk with accordions.  It features a frenzied tempo and a blistering guitar “solo”.  Even the drum solo is awesome (read: concise)!  In short, it is pretty great, making it our favorite version of In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida!  Enjoy.


David Van Tieghem – In-a-Gadda-Da-Vida (Black Light Mix)

Another unusual version, from percussionist David Van Tieghem is beat heavy and very Eighties.  Great if you like the type.  And we do.