Mad Improv Skillz

Song of the Day:
Tronzo and Gabrels – Not Gonna Happen

From Dave Tronzo’s Bandcamp site: “All the music on this albums was composed spontaneously as it was being recorded. This was the first meeting between Reeves and Tronzo.”  We don’t know about you but, that makes the stunning precision and almost telepathic interplay of this song seem all the more amazing.  The rest of the album, A Night in Amnesia (1995), is also fantastic.  Reeves Gabrels, best known for his work with David Bowie and Tin Machine and slide guitarist David Tronzo only recorded this one album together but, it’s a shame, as it is a doozy.  Too bad it is not more widely known but, today we do our very small part to correct that oversight.  Enjoy.