Whicha Deese?

Videos of the Day:

We need your help, dear Imaginary Reader.  Here at Infinite Jones, you may have noticed, we love Music and, although it may be a fault in our personality we think almost everything can be improved by adding Music.  That lead us to try to add a soundtrack to the Marble Maze video below.  The trouble is, we came up with three different songs that worked and we could not decide which one is the best.  That’s where you come in.  Please let us know whicha deese you think works the best.

Our thanks to the original poster, Kaplamino, who has an amazing YouTube site you should definitely visit.  You’ll find some incredibly entertaining and complex constructions there.  He or she must be a very patient person.

Anyway, vote for

1: Lalo Schifrin – The Killers


2: Francois De Roubaix – Sorvol


3: Black Moth Super Rainbow – Lollipopsichord

Thanks for your (imaginary) help.